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60. Kim et al., "Feasibility study on spray cooling for helium circulator in Fusion Reactor using the DPM-to-VOF transition model," Submitted, 2025.

59. Nguyen et al., "Numerical investigation of the self-propulsion of a liquid droplet on a hot ratchet surface," Submitted, 2025.

58. N. V. Trinh, Y. Kim, W. Pae, S. Im, B. J. Kim, and S. Yu*, "Effect of cyclone on the CO2 separation characteristics of a vortex tube," Separation and Purification Technology 359 (Part 1), 130580, 2025.06.

57. H. B. Heo, J. H. Lee, J. W. Yoon, S. Yu, B. J. Kim, S. Im, and S. H. Park*., "Explainable surrogate modeling for predicting temperature separation performance of the vortex tube," Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 66, 105728, 2025.02.

56. J. H. Park, B. J. Kim, and D. Jo*, "Experimental and numerical analyses for boiling model selection and nonuniform void behavior at the onset of flow instability," Annals of Nuclear Energy 210, 110840, 2025.01.

55. Y. H. Lee, N. K. Ryu, and B. J. Kim*, "Simulation of SBLOCA using the RELAP5 code with an improved wall drag partition model for bubbly flow," Energies 17(22), 5777, 2024.11.

54. N. V. Trinh, Y. Kim, S. Im, B. J. Kim, S. H. Park, and S. Yu*, "Parametric investigation of CO2 separation performance from air-CO2 mixture at the cold outlet of the vortex tube," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 233, 126040, 2024.11.

53. S. H. Yoon, S. J. Kim, S. Yu, and B. J. Kim*, "Numerical investigation of non-equilibrium condensation of carbon dioxide from a gas mixture of carbon dioxide and argon in a supersonic nozzle under cryogenic conditions," Physics of Fluids 36(10), 103331, 2024.10.​

52. Y. Park, D. Seo, B. J. Kim, S. W. Lee, and H. Kim*, "Numerical analysis of reflood heat transfer and large-break LOCA including CRUD layer thermal effects," Nuclear Engineering and Technology 56(6), pp.2099-2112, 2024.06.

51. A. K. Hilo, J. W. Hong, V. D. Pham, S. Shin, B. K. Ahn*, and B. J. Kim*, "Experimental and numerical investigation of bow wave and wake flows around towed surface-piercing cylinders," Flow Measurement and Instrumentation 95, 102505, 2024.02.

50. M. H. Kim, H. K. Cho, and B. J. Kim*, "Experimental and numerical investigation of the flow dynamics of an upward bubbly flow in a tube undergoing oscillating rolling motion," Physics of Fluids 36(1), 013327, 2024.01. (Editor`s pick)

49. A. Sadeghia, O. Ejtehadia, S. H. Yoon, and B. J. Kim*, "Improvement of the two-fluid momentum equation for turbulent bubbly flows," Physics of Fluids 36(1), 013307, 2024.01.

48. N. Ryu and B. J. Kim*, "Numerical investigation of departure from nucleate boiling for subcooled flow boiling in a rolling tube," International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150, 107154, 2024.01.

47. O. Ejtehadi, T. Mankodi, I. Sohn, R. S. Myong*, B. J. Kim*, "Gas-particle flows in a microscale shock tube and collection efficiency in the jet impingement on a permeable surface," Physics of Fluids 35(10), 103324, 2023.10. (Editor`s pick)

46. V. T. Nguyen, A. Sadeghi, and B. J. Kim*, "Numerical simulation of a heater wire behavior under film boiling," Heat and Mass Transfer 59(10), 1793-1804, 2023.10.

45. V. T. Nguyen, H. Kim, and B. J. Kim*, "Numerical investigation on ballooning and rupture of a Zircaloy tube subjected to high internal pressure and film boiling conditions," Nuclear Engineering and Technology 55(7), pp.2454-2465, 2023.07.

44. N. Ryu, J. Kim, and B. J. Kim*, "Large eddy simulation of turbulent flow past a parabolic dish," Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 37(7), pp.3535–3542, 2023.07.

43. O. Ejtehadi, R. S. Myong, I. Shon*, and B. J. Kim*, "Full continuum approach for simulating plume-surface interaction in planetary landings," Physics of Fluids 35(4), 043331, 2023.04. (Featured Article, Press Release)

42. O. Ejtehadi, A. Sadeghi, and B. J. Kim*, "Numerical analysis of nucleate boiling in a rolling rod bundle with tilted axis using twofluid modeling approach," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 201(Part 1), 123612, 2023.02.

41. S. Y. Park, S. H. Yoon, S. S. Yu, and B. J. Kim*, "Numerical investigation on the principle of energy separation in the vortex tube," Applied Sciences 12, 10142, Oct 2022.

40. B. J. Kim*, S. W. Lee, and K. D. Kim, "Remedy for ill-posedness and mass conservation error of 1D incompressible two-fluid model with artificial viscosities," Nuclear Engineering and Technology 54, pp.4322-4328, Nov 2022.

39. D. YuB. J. Kim, H. Ji, and S. S. Yu*, "Sensitivity analysis of high-pressure methanol-steam reformer using the condensation enthalpy of water vapor," Energies 15, 3832, May 2022.

38. B. J. Kim* and S. W. Lee, "Development of dynamic motion models of SPACE code for ocean nuclear reactor analysis," Nuclear Engineering and Technology 54, pp.888-895, Mar 2022.

37. M. H. Kim, V. T. Nguyen, S. Im, Y. Jung, S. R. Choi, and B. J. Kim*, "Experimental validation on flow uniformity improvement by a perforated plate in the heat exchanger of SFR steam generator," Energies 14, 5846, Sep 2021.

36. D. Yu, B. J. Kim, N. T. Van, and H. Ji, S. S. Yu*,  "Analysis of phase change heat transfer with annulus 1 kW class methanol steam reforming reaction under high-pressure operation," International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 46, pp.28775-28788, Aug 2021.


35. V. T. Nguyen, S. R. Choi, Y. Jung, S. Im, and B. J. Kim*, "Design of perforated plate for uniform flow distribution in heat-exchanger unit of SFR steam generator," Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35, pp.3469-3474, Aug 2021.

34. G. H. Choi, C. H. Shin, J. Y. Kim, and B. J. Kim*, "Circumferential steady-state creep test and analysis of Zircaloy-4 fuel cladding," Nuclear Engineering and Technology 53, pp. 2312-2322, July 2021.

33. E. F. Tanjung, B. J. Kim, and D. Jo*., “Effects on pool boiling critical heat flux (CHF) with different direction and magnitude of additional accelerations due to rolling,” Annals Nuclear Energy, Vol. 154, 108095, May 2021.

32. Y. S. An, D. Jo, and B. J. Kim*, “Multimode film boiling on the horizontal surface in a vertically oscillating system,” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 119, 104964, December 2020.

31. G. H. Choi, D. H. Kim, C. H. Shin*, J. Y. Kim, and B. J. Kim*, “In-situ deformation measurement of Zircaloy-4 cladding tube under various transient heating conditions using optical image analysis," Nuclear Engineering and Design  370, 110859, Dec 2020.

30. K. Park, J. H. Kim, B. J. Kim, S. J. Cho, J. Hong, and G. Kim, “Direct Visualization of Microscale Dynamics of Water Droplets on under-Oil-Hydrophilic Membranes by Using Synchrotron White Beam X‑ray Microimaging Techniques," Langmuir 36, pp.10548-10554, Aug, 2020.

29. H. Song, Y. Kim, D. Yu, B. J. Kim, H. Ji, and S. Yu*, "A computational analysis of a methanol steam reformer using phase change heat transfer," Energies 13, 4324, Aug, 2020.

28. Y. S. An and B. J. Kim*, "Numerical investigation of film boiling heat transfer on the horizontal surface in an oscillating system with low frequencies," Nuclear Engineering and Technology 52, pp. 918-924, May, 2020.

27. J. H. Lee, B. J. Kim*, K. D. Kim, "Improvement of horizontal stratification criteria in the SPACE code," Annals of Nuclear Energy 133, pp.122-128, Nov, 2019.

26. B. J. Kim, M. H. Kim, S. W. Lee, and K. D. Kim*, "Two-fluid equations for two-phase flows in moving systems," Nuclear Engineering and Technology 51, pp. 1504-1513, Sep, 2019.

25. J. H. Lee, B. J. Kim*, K. D. Kim, and S. W. Lee, "Two-fluid equation for two-phase flow considering change in fluid porosity," Nuclear Engineering and Design 347, pp. 1-7, Jun, 2019.

24. T. T. Tran, B. J. Kim*, and H.-S. Park*, "Study on bubble and liquid velocities in an area-varying horizontal channel," Annals of Nuclear Energy 118, pp. 170-177, Aug, 2018.

23. J. Heo, K. D. Kim*, and B. J. Kim, "Improvement of one-dimensional two-fluid momentum conservation equations for vertically stratified flow, Nuclear Technology 204, pp. 162-171. Jun 2018.

22. J. Schimpf, K. D. Kim*, J. Heo, and B. J. Kim, "Development of droplet entrainment and deposition models for horizontal flow," Nuclear Engineering and Technology 50, pp. 379-388, Apr, 2018.

21. S. J. Lee, J. H. Lee*, and B. J. Kim*, "Improvement of the two-fluid momentum equation using a modified Reynolds stress model for horizontal turbulent bubbly flows," Chemical Engineering Science 173, pp. 208-217,  Dec, 2017.

20. K. Kim*, B. J. Kim, H. S. Choi, S. K. Moon, and C. H. Song, “Effect of a blockage length on the coolability during reflood in a 2x2 rod bundle with a 90% partially blocked region,” Nuclear Engineering and Design 312, pp. 248-255, Feb, 2017.

19. B. J. Kim, J. Kim, K. Kim, S. W. Bae, and S. K. Moon*, “Effects of fuel relocation on reflood in a partially-blocked rod bundle,” Nuclear Engineering and Design 312, pp. 239-247, Feb, 2017.

18. S. J. Lee, B. J. Kim*, I. K. Park, and H. Y. Yoon, “Comparative study of the two-fluid momentum equations for multi-dimensional bubbly flows: Modification of Reynolds stress,” Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31, pp. 207-214, Jan, 2017.

17. S. K. Moon*, J. Kim, K. Kim, B. J. Kim, J. K. Park, Y. J. Youn, H.S. Choi, and C. H. Song, “Reflood experiments in rod bundles with flow blockages due to clad ballooning,” Kerntechnik 80, pp. 251-256, 2016.

16. B. J. Kim* and K. D. Kim, “Rayleigh-Taylor instability of viscous fluids with phase change,” Physical Review E 93, 043123, Apr 2016.

15. B. J. Kim*, J. H. Lee, and K. D. Kim, “Improvements of critical heat flux models for pool boiling on horizontal surfaces using interfacial instabilities of viscous potential flows,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93, pp. 200-206, Feb 2016.

14. B. J. Kim*, S. W. Lee, and K. D. Kim, “New wall drag and form loss models for one-dimensional dispersed two-phase flow,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology 47, pp. 416-423, 2015.

13. B. J. Kim*, J. H. Lee, and K. D. Kim, “Rayleigh–Taylor instability for thin viscous gas films: Application to critical heat flux and minimum film boiling,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 80, pp. 150-158, 2015.

12. B. J. Kim, J. Kim, and K. D. Kim*, “On the wall drag term in the averaged momentum equation for dispersed flows,” Nuclear Science and Engineering 178, pp. 225-239, 2014.

11. S. K. Moon*, J. Kim, S. Cho, B. J. Kim, J. K. Park, Y. J. Youn, and C. H. Song, “Single-phase convective heat transfer enhancement by spacer grids in a rod bundle,” Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 51, pp. 543-557, 2014.

10. K. Kim*, B. J. Kim, Y. J. Youn, H. S. Choi, S. K. Moon, and C. H. Song, “Effect of flow blockage on the coolability during reflood in a 2 × 2 rod bundle,” Science and Technology of Nuclear Installation, 247862, 2014.

9. B. J. Kim, K. Kim, D. E. Kim, Y. J. Youn, J. K. Park, S. K. Moon*, and C. H. Song, “Experimental study on the convective heat transfer enhancement in single-phase steam flow by a support grid,” Annals of Nuclear Energy 63, pp. 409-416, 2014.

8. B. J. Kim, S. H. Lee, S. Rezazadeh, and H.J.Sung*, “Simulation of an AC electro-osmotic pump with step microelectrodes,” Physical Review E 83, 056302, 2011.

7. B. J. Kim, S. Y. Yoon, K. H. Lee, and H. J. Sung*, “Development of a microfluidic device for simultaneous mixing and pumping,” Experiments in Fluids 46, pp. 85-95, 2009.

6. M. S. Yoon, B. J. Kim, and H. J. Sung*, “Pumping and mixing in a microchannel using AC asymmetric electrode arrays,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flows 29, pp. 269-280, 2008.

5. B. J. Kim, S. Y. Yoon, H. J. Sung*, and C.G. Smith, “Simultaneous mixing and pumping using asymmetric microelectrodes,” Journal of Applied Physics 102, 074513, 2007.

4. B. J. Kim and H. J. Sung*, “A further assessment of interpolation schemes for window deformation in PIV,” Experiments in Fluids 41, pp. 499-511, 2006.

3. B. J. Kim, Y. Z. Kim, and H. J. Sung*, “Micro PIV measurement of two-fluid flow with different refraction indices,” Measurement Science & Technology 15, pp. 1097-1103, 2004.

2. Y. Z. Liu, B. J. Kim, and H. J. Sung*, “Two-fluid mixing in a microchannel,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flows 25, pp. 986-995, 2004.

1. B. J. Kim, S. B. Lee, B. S. Shin, and H. J. Sung*, “A new flow controller for medical injection,” Measurement 36, pp. 67-72, 2004.

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